March Catch-Up #12

A google site I created for my printmaking class

March Catch-Up #11

a google site I created for my digital media class

March Catch-Up #10

Final Header image

March Catch-Up #9

Website Header image in process

March Catch-Up #8

another brainstorm image that isn't working.

March Catch-Up #7

a lot of bandsaw work for these.

March Catch-Up #6

a new outfit

March Catch-Up #5

brainstorming on a new project

March Catch-Up #4

The final image

March Catch-Up #3

another level of process

March Catch-Up #2

an image for church in process

March Catch-Up #1

Playing in my water color sketchbook.

March Slacker

I turned out to be a total slacker in march, but since I'm on screen break I will do a little catch-up. Never the less, I will still be behind. Oh well, I'm sure April will be better.

an image I'm working on for church

catching-up part 4

prayer doodle

catching-up part 3

Catch-up part 2

playing catch-up part 1

The next draft of the car club challenge

Just a few changes to the sponsors and the top.

Finished first draft . . . more changes from the client coming